Arena arranged for a 6 months training on 2D Animation, Video Editing/ Videography & Photography, 3D Animation, 3D in order to Develop skilled manpower for IT/ITES/BPO industry and creation of employment opportunities for both home and abroad for Financial year 2020-2021 and onward for High-Tech Park Authority. It is a 216-hour training having 8 trainers and 200 trainees in Natore & Rangpur districts.

Arena arranged for a 6 months training on Graphic Design (both Adobe InDesign & Quark Express) in order to Develop skilled manpower for IT/ITES/BPO industry and creation of employment opportunities for both home and abroad for Financial year 2020-2021 and onward for High-Tech Park Authority. It is a 216-hour training having 8 trainers and 200 trainees in Natore & Rangpur districts.

Arena organized yet another mass training on Mobile Application Development (Cross Platform) initiated by Skill Development for Mobile Game & Application Project under ICT Division. 25 professional trainers trained around 2000 trainees in 5 months.

Provided 5 Months training to 60 trainees on “Advanced Professional Coaching with Industry Attachment Including Apps & Game Development” for ICT- Division.

This training is focused on developing skill development for mobile game and its application and took place in about 64 districts. Arena organized the training at Dhaka in their own training venue where Arena’s own trainers trained the trainees. Around 2800 participants were trained.

This training Program on HR Accounting guides the HR Professionals as well as CEO to identify, measure and analyze the entire Investment scenario as well as Return on Investment of Human Resources.